Energy bills over summer can often be overwhelming. However, there are simple tricks and tips you can use in your own home to keep your bills under control. Here’s a list of helpful tips on how to keep your summer air con bills down.
1. Optimal Air Conditioner Settings
With your finger on the button it can be tempting to keep clicking the temperature down button. Many people fall into this trap. It is one of the leading causes of high-energy bills over summer. Did you know that every degree cooler in summer adds 5-10% to your air conditioning energy consumption? This can really add up! It leaves many air conditioner owners with big bills after the summer months.
Most experts agree that a temperature around 22-23 degrees is the ideal temperature for comfort. A setting of 24-25 degrees will reduce energy consumption further. However, ideal temperature can be different for many households. For example, the elderly or people suffering may need a cooler temperature during extreme heat spells. Having said that, 22-23 degrees will suit the majority of homeowners and keep your home comfortable over summer.
2. Cleaning Your Air Conditioner
This is a really simple step that many forget. Cleaning filters can significantly increase the operating efficiency of your unit. If filters are not cleaned regularly, particularly in high-usage periods, filters can get clogged and decrease airflow. Dirty filters make your air con system work harder to distribute the air, leading to a higher energy bill. There are also health impacts if air conditioning filters are not cleaned regularly. The residue and bacteria caught in the filters will impact the air quality. A clean filtration system means lower bills and better air quality in your home.
Not sure how to clean your air conditioning unit? Check out our comprehensive guide here.
3. Best Times To Switch Air Con Off and On
Do you get the BOM extreme weather warnings on your Facebook page pop up from time to time? You can use them to your advantage. If you know it is going to be a hot day, running your air conditioner in the morning can significantly lower your energy bill. The peak electricity times are between 4-8pm. Therefore, if you are able to have your home reasonably cool before this time you don’t have to have the system running at maximum capacity during these peak times. The hotter the inside temperature, the harder the system needs to work to cool the home. It’s best to cool your home early, before it gets too hot!
TIP: If your air conditioning unit is equipped with WIFI control you can schedule functions to cool, your home before it heats up during the day.
4. Pre-Cooling Your Home
As mentioned above, cooling your home early is very important. Along with using the A/C unit to cool the home, you can do things around the house to keep your home cooler throughout the day. For example, using blinds, drapes and window shades can reduce the cool air being impacted by residual heat from windows. Shade cloths placed on high sun exposed areas of the home can also have an impact. It probably does not need to be said, but we will say it anyway. Ensure all doors and windows are closed while the A/C is operating.
5. Picking The Best Air Conditioner For Your Needs
Choosing the right unit for your home is extremely important. If you are looking for a single-space solution, a split-system is more effective. However, if you would like whole home climate control then ducted systems would be the better solution. Here are some things to consider when selecting an air conditioning system and unit for your home:
- How effective is the system for where I live?
- How much electricity does it use?
- Do I need it for a single space or whole home?
- What is the energy rating on the unit?
For more information on the different types of systems, visit our split system and ducted system pages, or contact us to discuss your needs with one of our technicians.
6. Selecting The Number Of Kilowatts Needed
The kW capacity needed to cool your home will depend on a number of factors. These include:
- Your climate zone
- The orientation of your home
- The number of occupants in your home
- The size of your home
- The quality of insulation in your home
Rooms with significantly larger windows and glass will require more energy to cool. Furthermore, homes that also have north-facing windows require a higher kW system to cool down over summer. Obviously, larger systems will have a higher energy cost to run. However, it is a common mistake for homeowners to select a smaller system, because the A/C system is required to work at maximum capacity all the time in order to cool the home. This can lead to unnecessary energy costs over summer. In contrast, a unit that is too large will constantly switch off after reaching the ideal temperature, which is not good for the health of the unit.
This is a general guide to help you understand the kW needed in your home:
Room Size (square metres) | A/C kW Capacity |
10-25 | 2.5 kW |
25-35 | 3.5 |
35-60 | 5-7 |
60-80 | 7-9 |
So there are our helpful tips on how to keep your summer air con bills down.
Our experts can help you determine the appropriate size and system for your home. Contact us today on (02) 4396 9020.